
New Stock

Some new stock arriving this week includes the new range of guitar effects pedals by Fender. New pedals include the Pugilist Distortion £87, Santa Ana Overdrive £160 and the Marine Layer Reverb £110. They look great and sound amazing. Also arriving are some new Squier strat and tele models by Fender. Forward-thinking and progressive, Squier …

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Shop Opening

We’re excited to announce that our new shop at 49 Church Street will open on Friday the 23rd of February. This will follow on from our current shop at 27 Church Street being closed on Wednesday and Thursday, to allow us to move. We hope this doesn’t cause too much inconvenience. We’re all hoping for …

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We’re On The Move

It is with great excitement that we can announce our move into new premises, at 49 Church Street, Inverness ( formerly The Music Station). Having been in our current shop since 1992, we see this as a fantastic opportunity to expand our business, and improve customer experience. We look forward to welcoming all customers old and …

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